Innova Announces Top 10 Food and Beverage Trends in China for 2022

On February 16, Innova Market Insights released the top 10 food and beverage trends in China for 2022.

1. Amplified Experiences

2. Consumer Centricity

3. Premiumization

4. Back to the Roots

5. Shifting Occasions

6. Healthy Eating

7. Modern Anxiety

8. Planted-Based: Tailored to Culture

9. Specific Market Exploration

10. Collaboration for Success

Innova Market Insights research shows that, with “Amplified Experiences” being at the top of the list, 56% of Chinese consumers want a more special experience from their food. Trends such as “Consumer Centricity” and “Premiumization “reflect the growth of customized, premium products in the Chinese market. (Source: