Mid-Autumn Festival Marketing Opportunities Across Asia

When autumn rolls around in Asia, it’s not pumpkin spice lattes and Halloween that’s got everyone buzzing. It’s something far more enchanting: the Mid-Autumn Festival — a time when the moon, family gatherings, and food take centre stage.

Held around the autumn equinox on the 15th day of the 8th lunisolar month, this year September 17th, the Mid-Autumn Festival is a colossal celebration across Asia, much like Thanksgiving or Christmas in the West. With its roots deeply entrenched in various cultural and historical traditions, this festival is known by different names and celebrated in unique ways in Korea, China, Japan, and Southeast Asia.

This diversity is a treasure trove of opportunities for Western brands looking to make their mark in the APAC markets. Think of it as a golden ticket — a chance to connect with consumers who are in the mood to celebrate, spend, and share.

So let’s explore how this festival is celebrated and the marketing potential that comes with it. (Source: wpic.co)



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