Market Value Ranking of 68 Nutrition and Health Companies

The market capacity of the nutrition and health sector is continuously growing. As of the close on September 30, 2024, SHUZHENG CONSULTING ranked the market values of 68 listed nutrition and health companies. Among them, 59 companies are listed on the A-shares, with a total market value of RMB 1.501153 trillion, and 9 companies are listed on the H-shares, with a total market value of RMB 301.691 billion. Overall, the average market value of these 68 companies is RMB 22.075 billion, with 27 companies having a market value of over RMB 10 billion. The top three companies in terms of market value are Pien Tze Huang (RMB 155.947 billion), JD Health (RMB 111.650 billion), and Yunnan Baiyao (RMB 108.827 billion). In terms of stock performance, the average increase in value for the 68 companies was 20.60%. The largest gainers in the third quarter were Rici Healthcare (83.14%), Feihe Dairy (73.45%), and Alibaba Health (71.47%). Only five companies saw a decline in market value. The Chinese nutrition and health industry has entered a period of rapid development, with the number of listed companies steadily increasing and gaining significant attention in the capital market. (Source: SHUZHENG CONSULTING)

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