By-Health’s Anser Research Results: Silymarin, Kudzu, and Salvia Combination May Accelerate Alcohol Metabolism

Recently, By-Health Nutrition and Health Research Institute, in collaboration with the School of Public Health of Sun Yat-sen University and Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, published a liver protection study targeting Chinese individuals in an authoritative international SCI journal. Human clinical trials showed that after taking a combination of silymarin, kudzu, and salvia for a period, the group that took the supplement exhibited significantly improved liver alcohol metabolism indicators compared to the control group. Specifically, the activity of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase increased by 18.1%, which helps accelerate alcohol metabolism, shorten the residence time of acetaldehyde in the body, and reduce alcohol-induced liver damage. The research also indicates that this combination can effectively reduce liver inflammatory cytokines, potentially mitigating inflammation-induced liver damage. Source: Xinhua News Agency.

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