A Scientific Review of Probiotic’s “Dose-response Relationships”

After nearly 8 months of research and refinement, the Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology formed a scientific review on the “Dose-response Relationship” of probiotics, providing technical references for the health effects of probiotics’ dose index and industrial application in Chinese standards and regulations.

1. The intake amount of probiotics is a key factor in their health effects

2. Accurate counting of live bacteria at the strain level is an important technical condition for measuring the dose of probiotics

3. Existing research literature and international standards’ recommendations for probiotics intake mainly focus on 107~1011 CFU/d

4. The health effects of probiotic doses are strain-specific, and a higher amount added doesn’t mean the effect is better

5. The clinical dose of probiotics in different types of food is relatively stable

6. The health effects of probiotics do not depend on the number of strains compounded, and should be based on scientific studies of interactions between strains

(Source: cifst.org)

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