On May 20 and 21, the National Health Commission accepted applications for six kinds of “three-new foods”. These include five new varieties of food additives: beta-glucosidase, lipase, lactose-N-tetrasaccharide, 2′-fucosyllactose, and glutaminase; plus one new food ingredient: Bacillus subtilis QK02. (Source: China National Health Commission)
No. | Date of acceptance | Acceptance No. | Product name |
1 | 2024.5.20 | 卫食新申字(2024) No.0010 | Bacillus subtilis QK02 |
Acceptance of new food additives
No. | Date of acceptance | Acceptance No. | Product name |
1 | 2024.5.20 | 卫食添新申字(2024) No. 0049 | 2’-Fucosyllactose |
2 | 2024.5.20 | 卫食添新申字(2024) No. 0048 | Glutamine transaminase |
3 | 2024.5.21 | 卫食添新申字(2024) No. 0052 | Β-glucosidase |
4 | 2024.5.21 | 卫食添新申字(2024) No. 0051 | Lipase |
5 | 2024.5.21 | 卫食添新申字(2024) No. 0050 | Lacto-N-tetraose |
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