Combined Metabolic Activator that includes Niagen in Mild-to-Moderate Alzheimer’s


Part of the ChromaDex External Research Program (CERP), this is a first-of-its-kind clinical study investigating the effects of a combined metabolic activator (CMA) featuring Niagen in 60 mild-to-moderate AD patients. The findings build on previous preclinical studies highlighting the benefits of this “ingredient cocktail” on AD, as well as on liver health.


Yulug, B., Altay, O., Li, X. et al. “Combined Metabolic Activators Improve Cognitive Functions in Alzheimer’s Disease Patients: A Randomised, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Phase-II TrialTransl Neurodegener 12, 4 (2023)


To build upon previous studies demonstrating that this CMA—which includes Niagen NR, L-carnitine tartrate, serine, and N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC)—has a positive effect on dysfunctional brain mitochondria and brain energy metabolism in animal models, which have been implicated in development of AD. With promising findings comes hope for further exploration of how CMA can be a potential therapeutic strategy for AD patients.


  • CMA safely and significantly improved cognitive function by 29% (versus placebo, which improved only 14%) compared to baseline, according to the Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive Subscale (ADAS-Cog), a standardized tool used to assess the severity of cognitive symptoms in AD patients.
  • CMA appeared to have the greatest benefit on ADAS-Cog in those patients with more advanced AD.
  • CMA had a positive effect on biomarkers of metabolic abnormalities, as well as markers of liver and kidney health, as demonstrated by significant decreases in levels of ALT (a marker of liver damage) and uric acid (a marker of kidney function).

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