China CFE Released Notice on Registration and Application for FSMP

On May 15, 2024, in accordance with the Administrative Measures for Foods for Special Medical Purposes Registration (Announcement No. 85) issued by the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR), the Center for Food Evaluation (CFE) has reviewed the registration applications for FSMP seeking priority review and approval, and is now making public FSMP proposed for this procedure. The public notice period is 5 working days.

Should there be any objections, please submit written comments along with reasons to CFE within the public notice period. Alternatively, scanned documents can be sent via email to

Application of FSMP proposed for priority review and approval

S.N.Acceptance No.Product nameApplicantCategoryReason
1国食注申TY20240024凯润泰® infant amino acid metabolism disorder formula food for special medical purposes, phenylketonuria formulaJiangsu Daisy FSMP Co., Ltd.Amino acid metabolism disorder formulaFoods for special medical purposes for rare diseases
(Source: CIRS-Group)

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