Kexing Biochem Secures B-Round Financing for Innovation and Expansion

Recently, Hangzhou Kexing Biopharm, completed a nearly RMB 100 million yuan (USD $14 million) B-round financing. Established in 1996, Kexing Biochem is a specialized and innovative enterprise founded by several experts from Zhejiang University, focusing on the field of nutrition and flavor synthesis. The main products include biotin, vitamin A, β-carotene, lutein, vitamin K3, citral, … Read more

BY-HEALTH Repurchase 1 Million Shares for the First Time

On the evening of November 28th, BY-HEALTH issued an announcement stating that the company initiated the share repurchase for the first time through a repurchase dedicated securities account via centralized bidding on November 27, 2023. The repurchased quantity was 1 million shares, accounting for 0.0588% of the company’s total share capital on the trading day … Read more

Three New Food Ingredients

On December 1st, the National Health Commission issued the “Announcement on Nine ‘Three New Foods’”, in which 3 new food ingredients yerba mate, yeast protein, and catechins received approval. Yerba mate’s primary nutritional components include carbohydrates, dietary fiber, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and small amounts of polyphenols, flavonoids, saponins, and other substances. It … Read more

NR Positively Affected Symptoms of AT

WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? This case study replicates the previous finding by Veenhuis et al., 2021, of a positive effect of NR supplementation in children and adults with AT. Also, this case study includes one of the youngest individuals supplemented with NR, adding to the growing research of NR use in children. STUDY LINK & SUMMARY: … Read more

Mengniu Brings “Guanyi Milk” to the China Special Foods Conference

Recently, the 8th China Special Foods Conference was held in Wenzhou, Zhejiang. Mengniu presented its yogurt brand “Guanyi Milk”, which is currently the only yogurt in China with the immunity enhancement function and the only yogurt in the market that has obtained the “Jianzihao” health approval from the National Medical Products Administration. In October of … Read more

Bioflag Group’s Probiotics Intelligent Factory is Officially in Operation

In 2022, Ausnutria Dairy, in collaboration with Jiangnan University, undertook the “Probiotics Industrial Production Demonstration Line project” in the “14th Five-Year Plan” of the National Key R&D Program. It has officially settled the Bioflag Group Probiotics Intelligent Factory in Huai’an, Jiangsu, and commenced operations after a year. After the first phase of production, the project … Read more

The National Health Commission Newly Accepted Two New Food Ingredients for Review

Recently, the National Health Commission has newly accepted two food ingredients, including Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis M-63 and oat green extract, and five new varieties of food additives, namely calcium carbonate (seaweed source), lipase, lactase (β-galactosidase), sodium pentathionate, and 3’-sialyllactose. As a patented strain from Morinaga Milk Industry, Bifidobacterium M-63 can effectively enhance the immune … Read more

BY-HEALTH Establishes Laboratory of Microbiome Research and Application

Recently, BY-HEALTH, a leading brand in the dietary and nutritional supplements industry, established the Laboratory of Microbiome Research and Application, and put it into operation. This laboratory includes a probiotic research platform and a synthetic biology technology platform, focusing on the health of human microbiome. BY-HEALTH will leverage its independent facility to conduct comprehensive research … Read more

Osteoform Sets New Standards in the Probiotics Industry

Witnessing the lack of standards and regulations in domestic probiotics industry, Osteoform has initiated public awareness campaigns against fraud in the industry and introduced five major standards for high-activity probiotics. Osteoform has established the “Osteoform Expert Team”, composed of licensed physicians, health management professionals, and nutritionists, to guide the public in making informed and scientific … Read more